As you may have guessed from the title, I am still sick. I went to the specialist yesterday, and I was sent in for an emergency CT Scan. I needed to have IV contrast done before the scan. Now I have had about a million blood draws and IVs in my life, I have only had to be double stuck once. They tried FOURTEEN times. After about the fifth time, I started crying, and they just kept trying. They never got it, either. They still did the scan, and I am now waiting for results. I am just trying to stay positive and not freak out. I am resting today hoping that that helps my body heal from whatever I have.
I wanted to share another Mom’s Day card. This is a single layer card with only stamping! I used, PTI, sassafras lass, Ali Edwards and technique tuesday stamps. I curved the Ali Edwards stamps so that they would fit in the clouds. Another reason why I love clear stamps! 🙂
Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,
kelly marie