Lawn Fawn Intro: “Making Frosty Friends”

Hello and welcome to the third
post of Lawn Fawn’s September inspiration week! We are just so
excited about this week! We are featuring three stamp sets, and we
will have fun posts and giveaways and lots of inspiration!

We already have three places you can leave comments to win:
Our big giveaway post!!

AND today’s post too! 🙂

Today is our showcase of “Making Frosty Friends”. This 4″ x 6″ set is so much fun for creating unique snowmen for your winter projects! The design team has
made the most amazing samples!  We also have a little video on
the bottom showcasing some fun ways of using the set!

Remember to click on the person’s name or card to see all of the details
and leave these wonderful DT girls some comment love! 🙂


Nichol‘s card is the sweetest winter scene! Googly eyes and rhinestones are the perfect addition to this snowman! Those snow hills are just wonderful, too!


Lynnette‘s card shows that the birds make a perfect card on their own! I love the snowflake border going into the buttons and the custom Smitty’s sentiment!


Chari‘s card is so sweet! The ear muffs are adorable, and the twine scarfs are just perfect! I love that Winter Bunny has come to hang out, too! The stitched heart sentiment is so wonderful!

Snowman Buttons

Julie‘s card is pure vintage charm! I love the snowman on this vintage card. His rosy cheeks are too cute, and this color combo is just so warm and cozy!


Latisha‘s card is so fun! The snowflakes from the set make a great background, and the paper pieced beanie and scarf are too cute! I love the repeated sentiment, too!


Teri‘s card just makes me smile! I love that the snowmen are coming out from behind that beautiful patchwork piece, and I love that it looks like they have their arms around each other! Could it be any cuter?!


Tiffany‘s cookie canister is so adorable! I love that she has snowmen going all around, and the mittens look so cute on the main snowman! The liquid applique snow and the sentiment repeating around the canister is just perfect!

Chan‘s tag is too cute! The Swimsuit Season sentiment works perfectly here! I love the way his arms are coming out every which way and black rhinestones are great for his buttons!
Lea‘s card is paper piecing heaven! How adorable are those matching mittens, hats and scarfs?! I love the way she used a heart in the sentiment and little pom poms for the beanies. Just perfect!

sure you click on each of the design team’s names or
pictures to go to their blogs and see the details of how
they made their cards. You will walk away inspired for

Now, I have a little video for you showing this set in action and some
fun things you can do with it. I hope you enjoy it! Watch it
below or at our You Tube channel.  
(It’s a long one since there was so much to talk about with this set!
If you don’t have time to watch, the “review” of everything starts at
the 19:45 minute mark! 🙂 )

Thank you so much for watching!

I hope you have enjoyed this sneak peek of “Making Frosty Friends”. Tomorrow
we have another fun set to show you! For now, though, it’s giveaway
time! Leave us a comment telling us your favorite snow activity
(for example, mine is making snow angels!) by
September 14th at 10:00pm EDT, and we will randomly pick one winner
for this set!

Make sure to come back tomorrow, Thursday September 15th, at 12:01am EDT for our winner reveal!

Thank you so much for all of your excitement for our inspiration week!
Your comments, tweets, facebook and YouTube messages mean so much to
us! Every one puts a big smile on our faces! We think Lawn Fawn fans
are the best in the world. We love you guys! 🙂 

Stamps: Lawn Fawn (Making Frosty Friends)
Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,


201 thoughts on “Lawn Fawn Intro: “Making Frosty Friends”

  1. Love the snowmen! Looks like a fun and versatile set- can't wait to find it in a store 😀 My favorite snow-time activity is inner-tubing! Loads of fun! :0)

  2. My favorite snow activity is tobogganing with the younger kids in our church. I'm a grandmother, but that doesn't mean I can't have FUN!

    Loved the cards you made, they are very cute 🙂

  3. I havent ever got a chance to play in snow..its too hot in India for snow 🙁 But given a chance I feel my favorite activity would be to make snow balls and throw them on friends/family !

  4. My favorite snow activity is staying inside all bundled up with a blanket and hot chocolate! =) This set is so cute! I love the way you make sets with all the little pieces so we can customize to our heart's content.

  5. Oh My Goodness!! These snowmen and accessories are sooooo adorable!! Snowmen are my favorite winter decoration and anyone who comes over during the winter can see them all over my home. I just love this set….it is a MUST HAVE and I love what the DT has done with it. My favorite winter activity is for sure building snowmen in my yard. 😉

  6. My favorite snow activity is shoveling snow at night by a full moon! Everything sparkles. This is a cute set, very versatile.

  7. This is most cutest set ever. And you won't believe it but i haven't been in snow yet. Waiting for that day to come and maybe then I will be able to tell you my favorite activity 🙂

  8. I have never been able to resist snowmen! Favorite snow activity: Catching snowflakes on a piece of black paper or cardstock, then (quickly!) examining them with a magnifying glass! //

  9. So cute! Frosty the Snow Man is my favorite movie second only to Rudolph, so I'm loving this set! I'm 30 and still watch the shows every year! My favorite snow activity is watching my lil 15 pound dog, as my husband calls it …deer leap through the snow. She loves it so much!

  10. This set is great!! Love those snowman 🙂
    And love all the DT cards
    My favorite snow activity: walking with my little yorkie girls. They love snow 🙂
    xx Tamara

  11. Super cute creations! 🙂
    I like walking on the snow when it's really, really cold (like -30 C, I live in Finland…). The snow makes a special noise when you walk on it when it's cold. Snowangels are good too. 🙂

  12. This is a great set. I love the cold weather! I love to cuddle up when it's cold outside and read a book. I also love taking the kids out to play in the snow.

  13. Well we don't get snow here where I am. We gotta drive about 3hrs to get snow, hehe. But I LOVE SNOWBOARDING!!!! So driving 3hrs is so worth it, hehe. That's my favorite snow activity, hehe.

  14. Awesome set!

    My fave snow activity is to watch my cat – a Maine Coon, built for cold weather – refuse to go outside! He'll stand at the door & look out at the birds then curl up in the warm house for a nap.

  15. I love snowmen and this set is adorable! My favorite snow activity is to stay inside watching it snow outside – all snuggled up in a warm blanket drinking yummy drinks like warm cider or hot cocoa with marshmallows!!!

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  16. My favorite snow activity is watching my dogs play in it. I do not enjoy the snow,I can't stand be cold. However I really do enjoy watching my dog play in it while I'm standing in my kitchen enjoying a cup of coffee.

  17. I am just really enjoying these sets. You guys did an awesome job of putting these together. I have to say that this set is awesome. I love snowmen and this is a must have. The DT did a great job.
    My favorite activity during winter? Definitely buidling snowmen, and walking. I get to confined during the winter and have to get out especially living in Minnesota.

  18. So cute! Love the little bird with the scarf… the design team really out did themselves.

    We don't have snow activities where I live anymore (no snow!) but I always enjoyed just watching it fall… so pretty!

  19. My favourite winter activity is gardening! It's nice to get busy in the dirt without getting heatstroke 😉

    This set looks awesome and I would so love to win!

  20. Those snowmen are superfun but I really adore those cute little birdies!

    Hmmm… no snow here in Bermuda but when we were kids we spent a Christmas in Vermont and made a snow tubing run in the front yard. We had a blast until it iced over one night. When we tried it the next morning we ended up all the way out in the street!

  21. This set is really comepting with so many others to be my favorite!!!! I love it so much! All of these projects are AMAZING! I love each & every single one SO much!

    My favorite snow activity (every 5 years when I'm in the snow) is – building snowmen :).

  22. I don't think there is anything cuter than snowmen in the winter! And this stamp set is no exception!! My favorite snowy activity is coming inside for a steaming hot chocolate after making a snowman outside!

  23. Love this set, it's amazing how versatile it is with all the elements you can add! 🙂

    My favourite snow activity is wrapping up and taking a walk through the snow, and afterwards enjoying hot cocao at home!

  24. I can't say that I have a favorite snow activity. I'm from Puerto Rico so the cold bothers me a lot. Now I live in Ohio and I'm freezing! The snow man set is awefully cute though. Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. These cards are so adorable! This was one of my favorite stamp sets and I can't wait to get it! My favorite snow activity is ice skating! My husband proposed to me at an ice skating rink and so we go ice skating every year now!

  26. Love the personality of these snowmen and the sentiments that go along with them. Favorite snow activity – probably just going for a walk on a crisp winter evening and seeing the snow glisten in the moonlight. My hubby (even though he now has two adult sons) still likes going out and building snowmen in our yard. That always brings a smile to my face.

  27. I love this set!! It's so adorable! My favorite snow activity is watching it fall from the skies. Thanks for the chance to win!!

    jnj_182 at yahoo dot com

  28. I love the snow people! I also love to see winter bunny mixed in 'cuz I just got him in the mail! My favorite winter activity is just being outside at night when its snowing…..its so quiet, crisp and clear….a very special feeling.

  29. Love the set… all your stamps rock!! Living in MN you have no choice but to like snow…LOL!! I like to snowmobile, when it gets real cold sometimes it is nice to start a fire in the house and watch the snow!!

  30. We have a good size hill in our backyard. I love having all the kids and their friends sledding. Now they are grown and it is the younger kids in the neighbor hood and their parents.

  31. So much talent, and the coloring on all of these is so so pretty! I grew up in Phoenix so snow was never a part of our winter… but one winter when I was 4 we got just enough snow that my dad made me a little snow kitty, much smaller than a snow man 🙂

  32. Being from the south, just getting to see snow is a major treat for me, but if I was where I could go snow skiing anyday, anytime I wanted to, I would be the happiest person you could ever imagine.

  33. My favorite snow activity is going to the snowbowl! Our family moved from Chicago to Arizona & last year was the best! We sledded,skied, & just played in the snow! It will be a yearly thing from now on! I hope to win so I can make this adorable snowman for many years to come! Thanks!

  34. I love the little birdies with scarves!

    I don't know if this counts but my favorite snowy activity is making hot chocolate on a stick! I gift these stirring concoctions to all my nieces and nephews.

  35. The DT has rocked the stamp sets! My favorite snowy activity is actually building a snowman with my pre-schoolers. They love it and I love their excitment. Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. Wow! Blown away by every single project from the DT! Guess I need to buy this set… or winning it sure would be nice! lol. Thanks for a chance. My favorite winter activity is drinking hot cocoa snuggled up with my kids.


  37. Wow what amazing cards from the DT!! So cute & sweet! Love them all! My favorite snow activity is sledding … Or throwing snowballs at my brother. Heehee. Wish it snowed more here. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  38. Not much snow in Hawaii except on Mauna Kea — Visited Colorado one winter – loved making snow angels. Here at home we build sand castles.
    Thanks for a chance to win – I love making Christmas cards with snow scenes.

  39. how adorable this set is! And as you mentioned, some of the stamps are versatile, like the bloom, and to me, black hat too! And more 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win this adorable set! I also enjoyed your video clip, Kelly Marie! 🙂

  40. aw i love the little birdies!! being a CA girl and hardly being around snow, just seeing is pretty exciting for me. my fave snow activity is probably building a snowman.

  41. OHHHH MY GOSH! I am the ULT Snowman FAN! OH MY GGGGOOOODDNNESS.. My Copics & I are super excited LOVE THIS SET.. sorry for the caps but can you tell I love snowman 🙂 You have made this gal VERY happy!

  42. don't have snow in south texas.. hmm wait we have like a dusting of snow back in Jan or FEB.. last one before that was like 12 yrs ago! What did we do? write our name on the cars! LOL i know lame but hey it was a dusting.


  43. Oh my gosh such a cute CUTE set!! I have a soft spot for snowmen!! My favorite snowtime activity is just talking a walk outside and enjoying the peacefulness of the freshly fallen snow. I know that sounds hokey but I really do love it!

  44. Love love love all of these stamp sets! I get such inspiration from all of the samples from the design team, and the youtube videos are great to see them in action! I haven't seen snow, but when I finally do I think my favorite activity will be sledding!

  45. What a cute set! Well, here it doesnt snow a lot (EVER), cause I live in Spain, but when I used to live in Scotland, I looooved snow ball fights, sooo much fun!

  46. This set is SOOOOO cute! My favorite snow activity is DEFINITELY making snowmen! I once made a snowman that was packed SO tight (and it stayed cold for so long) that he lasted for 2 months! Crazy!!! =)

  47. These cards are so cute! My favorite snow thing to do has always been to get super bundled up and go make the first foot trails in freshly fallen snow. I love that cruncy sound when you step into it!

  48. Another set I just love and love all the cards that were made…my favorite snow thing is actually watching the snow come down and falling onto the trees…so pretty…

  49. I have to have this stamp set. love snowmen. =) and I can honestly say I don't have very many activities I enjoy in the snow.. i do like shopping when the snow is falling, gets me into the holiday spirit.

  50. Such a cute set!!! I love making snow angels!! Even though I haven't made one since I was 5 lol I havent seen snow since then! Hoping Houston gets snow this year!!!!

  51. Adorable cards!!!!!!

    We get a lot of snow here in Canada. My favorite thing to do when I was younger was building snowmen and just lying on a snow bank and listening to the tranquility in the air.


  52. Adorable alert! So many great cards! Love those little birds with scarves! Saw your stamps at Archivers last week. You've come a long way in such a short time! Congrats on so much success! 🙂

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