For now, I thought I would share some other places we’ve been on the web!
Thank you so much for Paper Crafts Connection and Cath for including two of our sets in their “Trends by the Dozen” feature! Lunar Lights and Say Cheese were both featured! Cameras and lanterns are trending! Wooo! We can’t wait until we start seeing all of your projects with the new sets. You will start seeing them around everywhere soon! 🙂 Thank you so much PC and Cath! You guys rock! 🙂
We also wanted to thank Craft Critique for putting us on their Best of CHA post! We got Best in Stamping and Best Booth Design! Thank you so, much Craft Critique!! You guys ARE the best!
And in the spirit of thankfulness, here are some awesome DT thank you cards!
Thanks for coming to the blog and hanging out for a little in Lawn Fawn land! Sending big hugs to you all!