Hello friends and happy Featured Fawny Friday! Today we have amazing Valentine and love-themed inspiration for you! We love to share the wonderful cards and crafty creations we find online. Big thanks to everyone for inspiring us!

We always love seeing all of your amazing cards and crafty projects on Instagram and Flickr! And we can’t wait to share them! So, if you use #lawnfawn on your projects at Instagram, enter a Lawn Fawnatics challenge, or add them to our Flickr group, you just may find yourself featured on the Lawn Fawn blog!

by BreAnn
using Radiant Heart Backdrop, Porcu-pine for You, Porcu-pine for You Add-On

by Nancy
using Porcupine for You, Scripty Bubble Sentiments,
Puffy Cloud Borders, Lots of Hearts Background Stencils

by Steph
using Henry’s ABCs, Let’s Toast, Brick Stencil,
Scent with Love Add-On, Smitty’s ABCs

by Helga
using Christmas Before ‘n Afters, All My Heart, Quilted Heart Backdrop,
Magic Picture Changer, Valentine Hearts Border

by Nikki
using Happy Mushrooms, Porcu-pine for You Add-On,
Quinn’s ABCs, Simple Puffy Cloud Frames

by Elianne
using Porcu-pine for You, Butterfly Kisses, Scalloped Circle Stackables

by Tiffany
using A Waffle Lot, Giant XOXO, Falling Hearts Stencils

by Daisy
using Christmas Before ‘n Afters, Stitched Happy Heart,
Quilted Heart Backdrop, Scripty Sweet, Fancy Wavy Banners

Thank you so much to everyone for sharing your wonderful talent with us. You guys are the best! Of course, we will be looking for your Lawn Fawn projects at our Flickr group, at Lawn Fawnatics and on Instagram (be sure to use #lawnfawn). We can’t wait to see more of your awesome creativity!

Thanks for visiting, have an amazing day!