Design Team Wednesday {4.20.11}

There is some serious inspiration from the design team today! Check it out!

(using Just My Type, Just My Type, Too)

(using Year One)

(using Swimsuit Season, Hello Friend)

(using Say Cheese)

(using Hello Friend)

(using Critters in the ‘Burbs, Partly Cloudy)

(using Just My Type)

(using Say Cheese)

Wowza, right?! Thank you to the design team for being all around awesome! 🙂

Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,

hi + a video!

I had so much fun making today’s card because I got to bring out so many different Lawn Fawn sets!


I got to use my new beloved Jenni Bowlin inks and paint, and some ribbon from Neat and Tangled. This made me a happy girl!

Here’s a little video on how I made this card! Watch it here or on You Tube!

Thank you so much for watching!

Card stock: Neenah
Patterned Paper: Basic Grey
Ink: Jenni Bowlin, Ranger

Etc: Jenni Bowlin paint, Jenni Bowlin chipboard, Prima pearls, Neat and Tangled ribbon, ink foam blending tool, American Crafts Thickers

Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,

rainbow birds say thank you!

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! I have a happy sunshiny card for you today to combat all of the dreary rain we are having here!

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These little birds are from Critters in the Forest. I colored them in a rainbow pattern. I love the idea of all of these birds all lined up in a row on a wire in the sky. 🙂


I cut clouds out of some fabulous American Crafts Hello Sunshine paper. I LOVE that line. I adhered them directly to the card and with different levels of foam adhesive to give the card some dimension. I also adhered my panel to a card base (also in white) with some foam adhesive. I love the white on white. It looks so cool! I also used Just My Type, Too for the sentiment. I just love that font! 🙂

Hoping for some rainbows today! 🙂

Card stock: Neenah
Patterned Paper: American Crafts (hello sunshine)
Ink: Memento (tuxedo black)

Etc: Copics, Sassafras sticker

Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,