Guess what is coming up soon? Our sneak week for our new Fall/Winter 2017 products! That’s right, we are busy preparing for our trade show, and we will be showing you all of the new products for that show next week so that you guys can participate in the fun with us! These Fall and Winter themed products will be available for purchase (with an awesome Inspiration Week, of course!) in late August!
It’s time for another Fawny Flickr Friday! We just love to see all of your fabulous creativity on display in our Flickr Group! We are always so inspired, we can’t wait to share your wonderful cards and projects! Make sure you keep adding your projects, you guys are amazing!
by Cindy
(using Upon a Star, Stitched Fireworks)
by Jean
by Joyce
(using Stuck on You)
by Kari
(using Plane and Simple, Stitched Cloud Backdrop)
by Maudy
(using Happy Summer)
by Tina
(using Wild for You, Fancy Scalloped Rectangle)
by Valerie
(using Ahoy, Matey)
by Wendie
(using You’re Claw-some, Love Ya Bunches)
Thank you all for sharing your wonderful talent with us! You guys are the best!
If you are new to our Flickr group, we would love for you to introduce yourself in our discussion HERE. We can’t wait to meet you!
If you are new to our Flickr group, we would love for you to introduce yourself in our discussion HERE. We can’t wait to meet you!
Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,