Lawn Fawn Intro: Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends

Hello and welcome to Lawn Fawn’s June 2024 Inspiration week! Our Summer 2024 Release is available at your favorite store and at! Woohoo! Join us this week for Design Team inspiration, Intro Videos and daily giveaways as we continue to highlight our Summer 2024 Release!

Daily Giveaway

We already have one place you can leave comments to win:
Our big giveaway post!!
AND today’s post too!


Today is our showcase of Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends and the coordinating dies! These giant circle sentiments are the perfect size for Give It a Whirl and are super cute on their own too. They perfectly fit a 3 inch circle from your favorite Stackables set! Stamp with your favorite ink or emboss the sentiment for a really neat look! The additional sentiments help share how much you care!

Design Team Inspiration

The design team has made the most amazing samples! Remember to click on the person’s name to see all of the details and then leave these wonderful DT girls some comment love!

Grace‘s “lucky charms” design works so well with this beautiful friendship message! Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends is perfect for using with the Give It a Whirl interactive set or as a greeting for any card!

I love how Grace inked this large sentiment with a blend of pretty color, it matches the Gummy Bears paper so well!

Mindy‘s Give It a Whirl interactive card changes from cheery daisy to reveal the sweet message! She included cute bees from Hive Five and a Pint-Sized Patterns Summertime backdrop.

Elise created a gorgeous card with a wreath design! She framed her friendship message with floral images from Darling Daffodils and Flower Garden Backdrop.

Audrey used the coordinating die to cut out the Give It a Whirl message, then she used an Outside In Stitched Scalloped Circle to create a frame. I love how she created a drop shadow by outlining the letters with a marker. All the Pint-Sized Patterns Summertime papers add lots of color and whimsy too!

Megan‘s card is so beautiful! She started with a charming Fruit Salad gingham background. Then she white embossed her message on Ground Coffee cardstock. And then she surrounded the greeting with Lucky Clovers and flowers from Spring Flowers Backdrop!

Chari‘s Give It a Whirl card is so cute! She stamped the Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends greeting on the outside to reveal a cute Kanga-rrific scene on the inside!

The pretty Rainbow Ever After papers are so perfect for Chari’s whimsical design!

Kangaroos always make me smile!

Latisha created a pair of friendship cards featuring Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends and Bunting Background Stencils!

I love how Latisha filled in the open space with the cute hearts included in the Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends set!

Elena got so creative and substituted a Scripty Bubble Sentiments for the “smile” in one of the messages! It looks so sweet as a border for the cute gardening scene!

I love how this Give It a Whirl Message fits so perfectly in the Meadow Backdrop: Portrait window! With the cute Whoosh, Kites! mice it creates a card that is so happy!

Hey Bestie! Chari‘s cheery design makes me smile with the little mouse from Whoosh, Kites! and the colorful Pint-Sized Patterns Summertime papers!

Send someone special an interactive card with a heartfelt message! It will definitely make them smile! Here we combined Give It a Whirl with Scalloped Fringe Border and a cute Treat Cart scene!

Intro Video

The video to introduce Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends is coming soon! 

Giveaway Time

I hope you have enjoyed this look at Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends! Tomorrow we will have another fun set to show you! But for now, it’s giveaway time! Leave us a comment telling us your favorite sentiment for friendship cards by June 19th at 5:00pm ET. We will randomly pick one winner for this set! (If you already own this set and win, you can choose another set!) Make sure to come back tomorrow, Saturday, June 15th for our next inspiration week post!

Thank you so much for all of your excitement for our inspiration week! We love your comments, tweets, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube messages! Every one puts a big smile on our faces! And we think Lawn Fawn fans are the best in the world. Love you guys so much!

We have a free gift for you to celebrate June Inspiration Week! With every $75+ purchase we will add a surprise petite paper pack to your order! Visit to shop!


Thanks so much for visiting the Lawn Fawn blog, have an amazing day!


271 thoughts on “Lawn Fawn Intro: Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends

  1. I love punny sentiments so much especially for friendship cards, one of the first that come to mind is bestea, paired perfectly with a teacup! 😆

  2. I’m not sure I have a favourite saying…but Lawn Fawn has such cute and punny sayings that there is always a good one for all the cards I make!

  3. My favorite sentiments for friendship cards always include something about smiles, like “Sending Smiles”, or “A Day Filled With Smiles”, “You Made Me Smile” etc….

    1. There are so many sentiments that are great for friends – even simple “just a note,” “for you,” “thinking of you friend”…all can apply to my besties!

  4. I think the GIAW – Messages Friends have both my fav greetings for friends. Both are light & cheery and combine well with any of my stamps. Didn’t think I needed these messages, but I do!!

  5. My favorite sentiment for friendship cards are the flower ones like this, “If friends were flowers, I’d pick you.”

  6. Mostly just thinking of you type cards unless there is a pun that totally goes with a themed type card 🙂

  7. “Thinking of you” tends to be my most-used friendship sentiment. I love the sentiments in today’s showcase!

  8. I don’t have a favourite but I do appreciate having a variety to choose from. I also appreciate the compatibility with Give it a Whirl!

  9. I’m not sure I can pick a favorite. My first thought was… Thinking of you. But I love the punny ones. The other Day. I wish there were some that started with we. I like to make cards for others and sign then from me and my husband.

  10. I usually use Hello Friend or So Glad to have a Friend Like you. Awesome sentiment and fonts here!!

  11. Not sure if I have a favorite “friend” sentiment but I have always liked “if friends were flowers, I’d pick you” sentiment.

  12. My favorite is I MISS YOU.
    I love the flower dies, and the Lucky Charms–that’s our favorite cereal…

  13. I love any friend sentiments that can be sent just because so they know they’re appreciated. Unexpected happy mail always puts a smile on someone’s face ♥

  14. First, love the Lucky Charms card! So creative and truly a blast from my past.
    My favorite friends sentiment is “Sending Hugs”.

  15. My favorite sentiments are usually puns, so things like: You’re a sweet friend, accompanied by some fruit images.

  16. I really like “Best Wishes” it encompasses positive energy and can be used for all occasions.

  17. Oh. I thought this was easy, to pick a fave sentiment. But I like them both. I suppose, “you make me smile” is my fave.

    I love my hubs, and when I look at him, he still makes me smile!

    I’m lucky.

  18. It’s fun to use puns! Also, just because… or hello sweet friend. Anything really, especially if there are certain themes that the friend appreciates…. like I have one friend who loves bunnies so I try to incorporate that into the design of her cards.

  19. Don’t really have a favorite sentiment for friendship cards. I like to use punny sentiments whenever I can though!

  20. Wonderfully cute cards! My fave friend sentiment is
    ‘If friends were flowers, I’d pick you”.

  21. My best friend and I are a few hours apart, so my favorite would be: “Distance means so little, when friendship means so much.”

  22. I don’t really have a favorite friendship sentiment. There are so many good ones from which to choose.

  23. I love cute sentiments that go with the critters. I also love all the cute ones sending love and hugs across the miles as I am not always close (in distance) to my loved ones and friends.

  24. I love all of Lawn Fawn’s sentiments but I would say that, “I’m lucky to have a friend like you” is one of my favorites.

  25. I love sun greetings, so sending sunshine or something like that would be my fave for a friendship card!

  26. I don’t have a favorite sentiment – because I always try to make it match the specific person and occasion

  27. I think just something like “You’re in my thoughts” or “Thinking of you today” is always nice and appropriate for any occasion.

  28. I’m kind of a less is more girl when it comes to sentiments – so I’m more likely to use a “Hello Friend” sentiment. I like that I can use it for lots of different occasions. That being said, I do love these new Give It a Whirl: Friends sentiments!

  29. These are FABULOUS!! I love gushy sentiments for friends – I’m so glad we’re friends, I’m so grateful for your friendship…

  30. I have several I use. I do like puny statements but, I like Hello Friend, Thinking of You, Dear Friend, I’m so glad you are in my world, ones like that!

  31. I always like a you are amazing, you are appreciated or cheers to you type of sentiments for friend cards, and I especially like any punny or cocktail versions of these sentiments.

  32. I usually just use “Thank you for being you”, “Thinking of you” or “Sending hugs” sentiments for friendship cards.

  33. I really like sentiments we can build: you are an awesome friend, to my special friend, to my friend, etc…

  34. I have so many favorite sentiments, but most recently it’s HEY THERE GORGEOUS! What friend doesn’t need that?!

  35. I don’t really make friendship cards; I make birthday, get well, sympathy, and anniversary cards mostly, but I like Bubbles of Joy sentiments: I’m so glad you’re in my bubble, and I’m blown away by your kindness.
    Lawn Fawn has so many cute punny friend sentiments.
    I would like to see something like:
    Hello, sweet friend, mom, baby, daughter, son, dad, grandma, grandpa – would be a great addition to Henry’s build a sentiment, family. wink wink.

  36. I don’t have a favorite sentiment I choose sentiments according to the situation. Lawn Fawn always has nice ones.

  37. My favorite it the Large circle that says, “You Make Me Smile” Even if I don’t have the Give It A Whirl It still is extremely useful.

  38. I usually like pretty basic sayings, like Hello or thinking of you. I am not good a sending cards to friends that are too mushy. Also funny sentiments or snarky or good for some friends.

  39. I don’t do a lot of friendship cards, so I don’t really have a favorite sentiment. I try to match it with the theme of the card.

  40. I don’t generally do friendship cards but ‘Hello’ works well for all occasions and I use that a lot.

  41. Picking just one favorite phrase for a friendship card is so hard because there are so many great ones! The punny ones are some of my favorites! Thanks for the great inspiration!

  42. Sending Hugs, A Ton of Hugs .. something on those lines as most of my friends I send cards to are overseas. I like the punny ones Lawn Fawn always have too!

  43. I don’t make a lot of just because cards for friends. But I like “have a beautiful day” or something to that effect.

  44. I don’t really have a particular favorite sentiment, it depends on the situation. The punny sayings are always fun.

  45. I love the sentiments in “sweet friends,” but I think one of my favorites is “instead of texting I made this card because I love you.” It’s especially true for friends I text often!

  46. I have a set that makes cards look like post cards, and they say “Wish you were here”. And I like that. Because far away friends I always wish they were here… Even when hear is my house.

  47. “You make me smile” is one of my favorite sentiments. It puts a happy smile in my heart. “I’m lucky to have a friend like you” reminds me of Toy Story. I love that one. A cute little jingle enters my head. 🙂

  48. I don’t really have a favorite friendship sentiment because all my friendships are so different and unique, just like my friends

  49. Like someone else posted above, I love the punny sayings, especially when they are related to critters!

  50. Depends on the friend. Some friends are more serious than others or their friendship means the world to you so funny might not be the best idea. Anytime you can be funny though, that is the best.

  51. It depends really on what the occasion is for. Sometimes Hello is perfect and sometimes, just the word Friend. I love them all.

  52. My favorite sentiment for friend cards would either be ‘thinking of you’ or I’m so glad we’re friends’.

  53. “You make me smile” is definitely at the top of my list, but I also really like “Sending smiles and hugs” as I think that is what I hope all of my handmade cards convey to the recipient!

  54. First of all I guessed that was a Grace design before looking to see who designed it. 🤩

    Takes one to know one. Lol
    I love to laugh with you.
    I miss you.
    I enjoy hanging out together.

    Im really not sure. 🤔

  55. I love punny sentiments that sound like something I’d say…cerealsly not kidding and otterly true! I also just like a good Hello Friend sentiment 🙂

  56. I do a lot of friendship cards. I like sentiments that say things like: thinking of you, miss you, can’t wait until we see each other again, sending hugs, thinking of you, thanks for being my friend….

  57. I love friendship cards and like sentiments like always got your back, you are an awesome friend and our friendship is magical!

  58. It’s not very excellent but I like using Hello Friend on the card outside and then something more personal on the inside.

  59. I would love to have a sentiment that said, “I am blessed to have a friend like you.”
    Thank you for all of the amazing stamps and dies that you make available, so that we can make so many beautiful cards!

  60. I make most of my cards for the shut-ins at church, so while I personally LOVE the punny ones…I tend to buy the “Thinking of you” messages!

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