We heart Elena!

We had a little contest in August and Elena from http://justmeprints.blogspot.ca/ won! We asked her to make a couple of card for the blog. Check them out!

How cute is this card?! I love this adorable take on “air mail”! The vintage faded colors look so great one this card, too! She combined Admit One, You’ve Got Mail, Love ‘n Breakfast and Gnome Sweet Gnome for this sweet scene. The masking she did adds so much dimension without creating any bulk either!

I love Elena’s take on a a card for a newborn baby boy.  The Hats Off to You crown is great and fits perfectly over the Sally’s ABCs letters. The Quinn’s 123s brackets are a wonderful way to highlight an image on a card, and Belinda’s Borders is a fantastic edge to her cool stripes. She actually used painter’s tape and sponged on ink to create them. Isn’t that a great idea?!

We created a new cute Facebook cover photo with Elena’s air mail card. Make sure to go and check it out!

Thank you so much for sharing your cards with us, Elena! You are awesome!

Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,

you are amazing

 I am in love with this card by Yainea! Her text background using Smitty’s ABCs, Sally’s ABCs, Claire’s ABCs and Jessie’s ABCs is brilliant! I also love her Belinda’s Borders stitching and the way she die cut elements from the Dewey Decimal 12×12 and 6×6 papers. The typewriter looks so cute cut out and the Acorn Brown Narrators stickers are perfect for cards!
 Thank you for creating this gorgeous card, Yainea!
Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,

Operation Write Home week! day 2

We have a fun contest going on this week, so get creating and share your gorgeous cards! Check it out here!

Hello, everyone! We are SO excited about this week, and that is because we are teaming up with our friends at Operation Write Home! Operation Write Home is an organization that sends blank handmade cards to deployed service members so they can write home to their families. As of March 2012, they’ve sent 1.7 MILLION cards! How amazing is that?!

This week we are focusing on creating cards for deployed service members to send home to their kids, nieces, nephews, etc. We love the idea of creating cards for kids, and we think Lawn Fawn is perfect for that! 🙂 We are going to have lots of cards to inspire you to create for Operation Write home both here and on the Operation Write Home blog, and we have a fun contest on this post where you can show off your awesome cards!

(using Critters Ever After, Sally’s ABCs, Dewey Decimal)
Kim shows us that Critters and some alphabet stamps make perfect kid cards!

(using You’ve Got Mail, A Birdie Told Me)
Julie‘s card is so sweet! Adding a cute bird is a great way to make more serious images perfect for kids!

Operation Write Home shared a quote with us that I thought were really powerful and might motivate you to create some cute kids cards!

“Thanks so much from a family of a deployed soldier who has sent us several cards that bear your logo on the back of them.  The cards are always beautiful and I can’t begin to tell you how much we appreciate hearing from Daddy!  Thank you to everyone involved who has been making our year apart from Daddy a little bit brighter.  You all are a blessing to so many!” -S.F., spouse

Make sure to head on over to the Operation Write Home blog for some more inspiration!
Also, we thought it would be fun to have some funny jokes that are perfect for kids with the answers on the other blog! 🙂
How do you stop a werewolf howling in the back of the car? – Answer on the Operation Write Home blog!
And the answer to their joke: Because he couldn’t lie!


Thank you so much for visiting!
Have an amazing day,