Lawn Fawn Intro: Whoosh, Kites! & Stitched Sentiment Banners

Hello and welcome to Lawn Fawn’s Summer 2024 Inspiration and Release week! On May 16 our 11 new stamp sets and coordinating dies along with 21 new standalone die sets, new paper collection, and all of our exciting new products will be for sale at your favorite store and at! Woohoo! Until then we will have fun posts with design team projects, intro videos, and giveaways!

Daily Giveaway

We already have three places you can leave comments to win:
Our big giveaway post!!
Treat Cart & Treat Cart Sentiment Add-On post!
Critters in the Desert & Desert Canyon Backdrop!
AND today’s post too!


Today is our showcase of Whoosh, Kites! & Stitched Sentiment Banners! Let your creativity soar with these adorable kite flying mice!  This set includes scene building elements like clouds, grass, flowers, and a dainty butterfly. Use the included string, or find more string designs with Yay, Kites!

These banners are a great fit for most of the sentiments in Lawn Fawn stamp sets and feature a stitched border. 

Design Team Inspiration

The design team has made the most amazing samples! We also have a video at the end showcasing some fun ways of using these fresh new sets! Remember to click on the person’s name to see all of the details and then leave these wonderful DT girls some comment love!

Tammy‘s Whoosh, Kites! card is so full of joy! She created her scene on a Scalloped Slimline base to include all the cute mice and kites. Then she framed it with rainbow-colored Pint-sized Patterns Summertime paper. I love how she paper-pieced the kites with more of the colorful paper!

Megan created a simple backdrop combining Pint-sized Patterns Summertime and Spiffy Speckles paper. Then she arranged the happiest kite-flying scene! I love her greeting that pairs Big Scripty Words with Whoosh, Kites! sentiments.

Audrey‘s card is so summery and fun! She stenciled the background before layering Giant Sending Love on top. It’s so perfect with the adorable mice!

Elise created a bright and colorful card by stamping all the kites on Pint-sized Patterns Summertime papers! She cut them out with the coordinating dies, then arranged them on another colorful paper panel. She also included the little puffy clouds in Whoosh, Kites for even more whimsy!

Latisha‘s card is so bright and cheery! She used the new Draped Ribbons Stencil to create a bold background! Then she colored the kites to match, making them the star of her card!

Marine amazing slimline card features Whoosh, Kites with Give It a Whirl! She used a new Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends to send a sunny greeting!

Then after giving it a whirl, another charming Whoosh, Kites scene appears. Could that upside down mouse be any cuter?

Yainea created a super clever design using lots of pretty Pint-sized Patterns Summertime papers! She used the different colors for the sky, the hillsides, the Scalloped Fringe Border and the Stitched Sentiment Banner!

Elena‘s Whoosh, Kites design is so sweet! The colors she used are so soft and pretty and the scene is full of happiness!

This Whoosh, Kites set is perfect for creating Platform Pop-Up cards! Mindy‘s design is a perfect example using acetate to suspend the kites above platform! It’s also very sunny, featuring our new Mr. Sun paper-piecing die set!

Grace created another gorgeous slimline card featuring the happy Whoosh, Kites critters! Like Tammy’s card, she also used a scalloped slimline panel to build a summery scene! I love those beautiful rainbow colors so much!

The Stitched Hillside Backdrop is a perfect way to create a fun scene with Whoosh, Kites! We also included our Give It a Whirl Messages: Friends greeting!

Intro Video

Now, I have a video to introduce Whoosh, Kites! & Stitched Sentiment Banners! We will show you some great ideas while creating two adorable cards. I hope you enjoy it! You can watch the video below or click HERE to watch at our YouTube channel.

Thanks so much for watching!

Giveaway Time

I hope you have enjoyed this look at Whoosh, Kites! & Stitched Sentiment Banners! Tomorrow we will have another fun set to show you! But for now, it’s giveaway time! Leave us a comment telling us if you like to fly kites by May 15th at 5:00pm ET. We will randomly pick one winner for this set! (If you already own this set and win, you can choose another set!) Make sure to come back tomorrow, Sunday, May 12th for our next inspiration week post!

Thank you so much for all of your excitement for our inspiration week! We love your comments, tweets, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube messages! Every one puts a big smile on our faces! We think Lawn Fawn fans are the best in the world. We love you guys!


Summer 2024 Release Products will be available on May 16th!
Whoosh, Kites!
Stitched Sentiment Banners

Thanks so much for visiting, have an amazing day!


398 thoughts on “Lawn Fawn Intro: Whoosh, Kites! & Stitched Sentiment Banners

  1. I flew one for the first time last year on a beautiful beach near us. My gorgeous husband bought me one that had a colourful butterfly on it I had the best day it was so relaxing

  2. Finding the perfect weather and the perfect area to fly a kite is hard, I’ll just let the mice have fun with that within my craft room. 😆

  3. Absolutely love flying kites!! Used to do it often when my kiddos were little and now with my grandkids!

  4. I did fly a kite when I was younger, it looked like a butterfly. Adorable stamp set, love ❤️ all the card inspirations created by the Lawn Fawn team.

  5. Ngl, being out in the wind is not something I enjoy that much, because here the wind is freezing cold 😅😬

  6. I like watching kites that other people are flying, but I haven’t flown one myself in years and years.

  7. I’ve never had much luck with kites. But I do love to watch them. So many beautiful colors!

  8. This is my favorite set so far. The adorable mice flying kites is just so cute! The inspiration is overwhelming! As a child, I may have tried flying a kite once or twice, but it never actually stayed up in the air for me LOL

  9. Tried a couple of times, but… no, I gave up each time! I just don’t seem to get the hang of it… Ha, ha – no pun intended!

  10. I have never flown a kite in my life. No good reason why not. Just wasn’t a thing I guess in the small town where I grew up in the Midwest. I don’t recall anyone else flying a kite either. I love seeing them flown though. : )

  11. This set is so adorable! Watching the video gave me so much inspiration to use this set for 🥰 I have never flown a kite before, and probably never will haha

  12. I love flying kites. The activity was a sure sign Spring had arrived when we went to the store to pick out kites and tearing up sheets for the kite tail. The next best thing is the new kite stamps and dies!

  13. I attempted unsuccessfully flying a kite as a kid, but this stamp set is sure cute. Love the DT cards.

  14. We flew kites when my girls were young. It was so fun to see the soar. Love the kits in the samples today.

  15. I do like to fly kites, my husband got me a new one for my birthday last year. I think I need the LF kites now too!

  16. I would love to successfully fly a kite. I have some fun memories as a child attempting to with my frustrated father. Now we can laugh…this is an adorable set I will definitely enjoy!

  17. ha! I haven’t flown a kite since I was a kid (many years ago! lol) and not very well. lol Those mice sure seem to have it down pat!!

  18. The last time I flew a kite was on top of the tallest mountain in Arizona. What an experience!!!

  19. Love to fly a kite, have not done it in over 20 years when the kids were little. Such a cute set, I love those mice

  20. I haven’t flown a kite in ages, but have many happy memories of doing so. One of my favorite movie scenes is the end of Mary Poppins – “let’s go fly a kite…” Many happy cards ahead with this adorable set.

  21. It’s been many, many years since I flew a kite. I didn’t have the knack to keep the kite in the air very long, but it was always great fun when the kite did finally stay aloft for a little while.
    These projects all look spectacular.

  22. When I was a kid, I loved it. My husband and I flew kites when our children were smaller. I love this set! I have the kite die and will go perfectly with this stamp set.

  23. I would love to fly a kite again but I’m not sure I could move fast enough to get the kite up. Lol

  24. As a kid, I flew kites (kinda! 🤣) quite a bit. Since moving recently, I should see if there’s a good spot for flying one. 🪁🪁🪁

  25. When my kids were little, we would fly kites every Easter. But they are old enough now, they live on their own in different states, so regarding kite flying now, the closest I get is telling someone to “ go fly a kite”🤣

  26. Used to fly kites as a kid but haven’t for many MANY years. When we were in Florida in March there were so many people flying kites on the beach – now I want to try it again! This set is adorable!

  27. Flying kites is a big part of my childhood memories. We would fly them on the beach in the evenings. Loved it!

  28. I think it must be 35 years since I have flown a kite. I used to fly kites at the beach with my dad.

  29. This stamp set is darling! I haven’t flown kites in a really long time but, I do remember in private school growing up we would have “kite day” and we would all get to go out and fly our kites –I remember that being a really fun day we all looked forward to!

  30. I love flying kites on an ocean beach. They just look so amazing there and you don’t have to worry about kite eating trees. 😊

  31. The funnest part of kite flying is trying to get it in the air. We end up cracking up and all the energy it takes

  32. Haven’t flown a kite in years but we have some put away just waiting for the right weather conditions – it’s either gale-force winds where I live or no wind at all!

  33. I wish I could run fast enough to get a kite going. I haven’t flown a kite in years Absolutely love this little stamp set.

  34. I’m not very good at flying kites and haven’t tried to fly one in years but I love to watch when others are flying them.

  35. Reminds me of the song from Mary Poppins…let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height!
    Lots of kite flying when my daughter was little.

  36. Gosh, come to think of it, it’s been years since we’ve flown kites. We had the coooooolest kite for my girls when they were very little, time to find a new one and make more memories!

  37. Kites are fun! I have always wanted to fly a kite but never did until a few years ago my friends and I were on a paper crafting girls weekend at a beach cottage. We bought a kite and flew the kite on the beach. It was a perfect moment with my friends! These stamps an dies are so much fun!!

  38. I haven’t tried to fly a kite in years! It’s a little tricky. The weather conditions have to be just right.

  39. Love the kites! Adorable samples!
    We used to fly kites often when my daughter was little! Haven’t done it in many years!

  40. I love to see kites flying more than actually doing. When the kids were younger we tried to fly some around our neighborhood and found it never was really windy enough and the only way to keep the kite up was by constantly running! We traveled to the beach and discovered flying kites was much easier there, where there was a nice constant breeze!

  41. OMGosh! The last time I flew a kite was when my children were little. We lived in the country, and my daughter got her kite in the sky, however, her Daddy had to take over because we didn’t want it to come down. That kite was so far up, that it actually ended up getting caught in a tree on the top of a hill that sat next to our house We looked at that kite for weeks, before a storm took it down. No way to get it out of that tree. Mother Nature had to take care of that one. Thanks for that memory! I can’t wait to see this set and all the new ones.

  42. This set makes me think of Mary Poppin’s and the song, “Let’s go fly a kite, Up to the highest point!” I haven’t flown a kite in years but I do enjoy seeing a kite flying high in the sky! This is such a cheerful stamp and die set!!

  43. I love that the cute mice are always having so much fun! I wish I could say that I am as good at flying kites as they are. Lol

  44. I haven’t flown a kite in forever. My husband has handmade kites that his grandfather brought back from trips to China in the 60s. They look like dragons. When on a trip to Seattle we took our kids to a park to fly kites. I have seen pictures in magazines and that park in movies and TV shows with people flying kites.

  45. We used to fly kites a lot when the kids were little, but it has been a long time since we have done that.

  46. I haven’t flown a kite in a long time. We used to do it with my daughter when she was little and we went to the beach. I miss those days!

  47. Flying kites has always been a tricky thing for me. There always too much wind or not enough, it never seems to be just right. I love to see people flying kites. I always think that it is fun to try.

  48. I used to love flying them as a kid, esp at my grandparents beach house in Nags Head NC. I haven’t flown one since my kids were little 🪁

  49. I used to fly kites when younger and actually built one out of balsa and a garbage bag in an high school at class. Yes, it did fly!!😄

  50. Whoosh Kites makes me want to fly a kite! I’m sure I made kites with my Dad, and he got them off the ground for me. I’d squint up at them for a while. Mom brought lunch, so…that’s where my thoughts would wander to. Mmmm: Mom’s fried chicken!

  51. Kite flying brings back memories of my kids growing up. Love this new stamp set of the kite flying mice!

  52. I love flying kites, but haven’t done it in forever. It isn’t really windy enough where I live, which is a good thing.

  53. I haven’t flown a kite since I was a kid, but I remember having a lot of fun when I did.

  54. I LOVE flying kites. It was a treasured activity when my kids were little. These mice are so precious!

  55. Love these adorable new stamps!!! The little mice are one of my favorites of yours! I do love to fly kites!

  56. I haven’t flown a kite in years, but in my childhood, my dad used to make kites for us and help us fly them in a nearby field. Great memories!

  57. Wow so cute and fun designs with these mice n kites. I haven’t flown a kite since the kids were younger.
    So fun to watch kites flying though

  58. I love watching my grandkids fly kites so fun. I flew kites as a kid and taught my kids to fly kites.

  59. Yes, we have two kites that resemble world war II planes. We love to fly them at the local park. I love your new kite design with the mice

  60. Flying a kite is definitely one of my favorite things to do during summer. My parents taught me how to make my own kite when I was little. So much fun 😊

  61. I’ve tried a few times over the years and it hasn’t gone well. I’ll stick to papercrafts lol

  62. I NEED these kites! My family flies STUNT Kites!!!! We are members of the Amercian Kite Flyers Association!!! I own 5 stunt kites and so do my siblings and my dad probably has 20!

  63. I used to love to fly kites, but it has been so long……will have to see about doing it again soon.

  64. I love watching people fly kites down the Jersey shore but haven’t flown kites myself since, I was a
    teenager with my friends. 🪁🪁🪁

  65. These stamps are so cute. I tried several times as a child to fly kites and it never worked out for me.

  66. I haven’t flown a kite since my daughter was little, but it was always great fun! I can’t even remember my father making us kites out of newspaper!

  67. When I was a kid, I love to fly kites. Every year, my dad bought me a new one. I loved it. 😍 I’m 54 now and would love to do it again.

  68. I must confess that I have never flown a kite. I think I had one once, I tried to fly it but it didn’t work so I got disappointed and didn’t try it again. I guess kites were never my thing.

  69. I think I only tried once as a child, and I want very good at it!! 🪁 I do love to see them fly though x

  70. I have enjoyed flying kites when I was younger. Now I love to watch others fly the big fancy kites like at Lincoln City Oregon kite festival.

  71. When I was a little, I flew a kite with my dad cuz there were some open field nearby. But not since high school years, which is a very long time ago… I love to see people fly kites, though!

  72. I would love to, but lack the open space to do so! The mice stamps make up for it – I guess many of us will have to live vicariously through them! Sooooo cute!

  73. When I was young loved too. I like seeing people at the beach flying kites. Last time we were fishing at the beach we thought my husband was catching a big fish but it was a kite shaped like a fish. 🤣

  74. I flew kites when I was a child. Lot of times I sang the song from Mary Poppins hihi “lets go fly a kite”

  75. I’ve never been very successful at flying kites, but like to watch when somebody else has mastered it

  76. I haven’t flown a kite since my boys were little, but I should grab one of my grandkids and go fly a kite!

  77. I used to love flying kites as a kid. I should do it with my children because we have the perfect place nearby that would be awesome to fly them.

  78. I am not great at flying kites, but I so love to watch my husband and kids do this.

  79. Haven’t gone to fly kites since young! But always love watching it flying near the beach or coast! I like the old style and shapes of kites in beautiful colours!

  80. I have not flown a kite in over 40 years. This brings back memories of flying kites with my mom!

  81. When the kids were young we used to fly kites…haven’t done this for about 10 years. It was a fun time!

  82. Another adorable mouse set. Love Grace’s platform. I don’t fly kites anymore but am looking forward to teaching my granddaughters when they are older.

  83. I haven’t flown a kite since I was a child but I love watching other people fly them on the beach!

  84. Another set I need! Really great cards.
    I haven’t flown a kite since my son was little. But I also have really fond memories of flying kites with my own dad when I was little

  85. I have only flown kites a few times and I think they were all when I was much younger… a kid myself or babysitting for kids.
    Your new Whoosh Kites is superb!!! Love LF!
    Lori S in PA

  86. Yes I like to fly kites, but I don’t do it anymore. Need to start again with my grandkids. Love these cards!

  87. I love to fly kites. Lincoln City, OR is famous for their kite shops and kite flying. Just a couple hours away from where I live. They actually do competitions there. Pretty cool.

  88. I have no memory of ever flying a kite! Thid set is the cutest and the sample are so creative!!!

  89. My husband is a HUGE kite fan! We have quite the collection and take them all to the beach every summer. 😀

  90. Omg I love flying kites! And this year I’ve already went out so many times with my daughters for kite flying. I adore this set and cannot wait to have it in my hands

  91. I love to fly kits just like these cute little mice. I have loved flying kites since I was a kid. My dad, sister and I would fly kites at the beach in South Carolina all Spring, Summer and Fall. There is a great kit shop in Myrtle Beach called Kleg’s Kites. If you are ever there stop buy. They have all kinds of kites and decorative flags.

  92. When I was little I always use to play with my kite at a big field behind my mum and dad´s house. It´s great fun

  93. I have tried 5 or 6 times but I was never very successful at it. It was still fun to try though.

  94. When I was a kid we played with the kites pretty often with my dad. We tried again last year, but we weren´t succesfull. It was funny to see my sister trying to get the kite in the air.

  95. I am more of a watcher, but I did just buy kites for some young college age friends of mine and they had a blast!

  96. This set reminds me of the kite built by my father, and of my great-grandfather’s attention in choosing the right thread to tie it to.
    Thank you so much, this set will be the first to end up in my cart, I can’t wait.

  97. Flying kites is so fun! Growing up I use to love seeing the kites flying at the beach. Now my kid flies one in our backyard.

  98. I used to love flying kites! So frustrating to start but then, so wonderful! Well, until it took a dive, 😆

  99. I flew kites when my girls were younger. Actually, one day we were flying kites and a couple of critters came to watch. A doe and two fawns, they were watching the kites and didn’t appear to realize we were even there. And when my grandkids were younger, we flew kites together, but it’s been while.

  100. So many cute cards! I did enjoy flying kites and did so when I was younger, but I haven’t done so in many years.

  101. I can not fly a kite to save my life! My Children have flown kites and did well. They didn’t get it from me that is for sure!

  102. When my kids were young, we’d fly kites every so often, but we haven’t tried it in years.i do enjoy the images on cards and pages, however…kites bring to mind breeze summer days!

  103. I flew kites when my kids were younger. I love the mice flying them. so many options with this set.

  104. I’m 64 years old and still love to fly kites and watch others fly kites. I’ve been waiting for some kite designs.

  105. I have never flown a kite. We get quite a few kite surfers near home when the weather conditions are right and that looks like it would be fun!

  106. I love this new stamp set!! Our neighborhood has an annual kite day. My family loves to attend!

  107. I used to fly kites with my dad 60 years ago! I loved it! I also flew kites with my own children years later.

  108. The last time I flow a kite was about 16 years ago. My mother was in charge of setting up fun activities for our Ladies group at church. One of her ideas was to fly kites. It was a lot of fun. Most of us haven’t done this since we were children.

  109. It’s very windy where I live and flying kites can be rather challenging. Still an enjoyable time at the park.

  110. I don’t fly kites any more but I have such fond memories of flying kites as a kid. It was purely magical to get that kit up in the air and keep release more string to let it fly up there. I also remember a time my Mom bought kites for the kids and took them to a local park and flew them. They had so much fun!

  111. I’ve never had good luck with kites but it won’t stop me from trying again! Plus how cute are the mice with kites???

  112. I love to fly kites ever since I have seen the movie Mary Poppins. The mice are adorable flying kites. They get to do all the fun stuff.

  113. I haven’t flown a kite since my kids were little. When I was a kid we couldn’t wait for march to come around. We all had kites and it was so much fun.

  114. I haven’t flown kites in ages, it’s never as easy as you expect it to be.

    This is another fun Mice outing… I love the mice!

  115. My kids are 3 and 5. The older one has flown a kite in our yard, but I’d love to take them to the kite festival at the beach in the near future. They would LOVE that!

  116. We used to take the boys out when they were little, so it’s been a few years! But it was a great way to get outside for something besides sports….

  117. I loved flying kites in autumn when I was a kid. I have done it the last time nearly 20 years ago with my girls at a beach in Italy. My grandson is 3 and I am really looking forward to do it again with him!

  118. I don’t really like to fly them, but I worked for a winter festival in Madison, WI a long time ago that was called Kites on Ice, and the size and number of kites they flew on the frozen lake was really cool. (pun not really intended)

  119. I used to love flying kites but haven’t for a while now…maybe I should go buy a kite I guess ✌️

  120. As a child flying kites was such a huge part of our childhood…just don’t see it much anymore, but this might be the inspiration to do again.

  121. Haven’t flown a kite in several years but I remember doing so as a kid! So fun on the most perfect windy days!

  122. I love to fly kites but like to watch them even more. There is something majestic about the movement of kites in a slight wind

  123. I have big plans for kite flying with the kids, but usually end up with too much or too little wind.

  124. How adorable! I like flying kites for a few minutes. It was more fun when my kids were younger

  125. Up till recently we lived by Long Beach, WA which hosts kite festivals. We bought a two stringed kite a couple of years ago that you can do tricks with. So much fun.

  126. We visit the Outer Banks a lot and because it’s so windy there, it’s a great place to fly kites.

  127. I love this stamp set. It is adorable. I can’t wait to create with it. It just reminds me of summer.

  128. These mice and their kites are super fun! I remember trying to fly my kite as a child. It was a lot of running and hoping to get the kite in the air! I think the mice are doing a really perfect job!!!

  129. While we haven’t been in a few years, we love kites. Our favorite kite is a Momma Turtle and the tail is a string of her babies! She is a family favorite!

  130. I loved playing with kites when I was little. There’s not many places around me that have the space for it now though, I’ll have to get the mice flying for me!

  131. The last time I flew a kite was when my boys were little. We used to fly kites on the beach. Great times and great memories!

  132. I live in western WA, and we really don’t have enough of a breeze to keep kites up-or there are so many trees that they just seem to get caught in them. But they are beautiful!

  133. We have 3 kites; one rainbow, a hand gliding dog and a hand gliding cat. We fly them at a local park.

  134. I have not flown a kite in a long time, I always found it hard to really get a kite going up in the air.

  135. I used to fly kites when I was younger before having joint problems. Now I like making kite themed cards. The Whoosh Kites stamp set is amazing! 🤩

  136. It’s been decades since I have flown a kite. I have to say that all these cards showcased are absolutely adorable!

  137. I love this! We used to have super fast kites that we would fly at the beach!! They are so fun- particularly when you coordinate with someone else also flying!!

  138. I loved flying kites when I was a kid. Every summer it was exciting to get to pick out a new kite. My Grandma lived a short drive to the beach which was always the perfect place to fly them. I guess it’s time to try it again as an adult.

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