This call is absolutely perfect for stampers, and that means you! I really want to encourage you all to submit. It is just so much fun!
Click here for all of the info on the call. (You can always email me with questions on how to submit, too!)
Some people have expressed concern on possibly having to send in their stamps, and I totally get this! The idea of being without my stamps is painful! So, if you get a card accepted with Lawn Fawn we will send you a set to send in, so that you will not be without your stamps! I hope that makes you guys happy! I can’t wait to hear about your submissions!
The other thing today is that, as some of you may have seen, I had to shut down my formspring due to inappropriate questions. (Creepy!) Someone on there suggested that I do a post for people to ask questions, so I thought I would do that here! Just leave a comment with a question, if you would like. It can even be anonymous as long as you keep it creepy free!
The last thing I have today is a fun challenge by Amy! She thought it would be fun to re-post the first thing we ever posted to our blogs! Well, my first things were these weird collages with 20 cards in them, so I found the first individual thing I posted, which was just a few days later. Here it is! It was really fun to look back! Thanks, Amy!
Have a great day everyone! And have fun submitting!